Weekly Classes

To support your well-being join our weekly online mindfulness and compassion sessions or consider one of our meditation retreats.

Weekly Classes

FREE Online Mindfulness and Compassion Meditation sessions, open to everyone,
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

MindfulnessUK believes in supporting positive change, resilience and self-care and we run a live mindfulness meditation session, guided by experienced teachers, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1pm.

Join us at any of our weekly sitting groups and enjoy two meditations, and take the opportunity to share your experiences in a safe and friendly environment. The group is led by experienced teachers who volunteer their time to bring their own teaching to us all.

The meditation sessions are suitable for meditators of all levels of experience and are an opportunity to learn something new and share experiences.

We invite experienced teachers to volunteer to lead the sessions. If you would like to volunteer to teach, please email membership@mindfulnessuk.com, we would love to hear from you.

Upcoming Classes

Join us every
Monday at 1pm
Join us every
Wednesday at 1pm
Join us every
Friday at 1pm
Join us every
Monday at 1pm
Join us every
Wednesday at 1pm
Join us every
Friday at 1pm