What is the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Train-the-Trainer Course?
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is an internationally recognised mindfulness course that has been taught and researched since the 1970’s. Our comprehensive 12-month (minimum, though you can take as long as you like) training pathway will equip you with all the knowledge, material and experience you need to deliver the MBSR to groups or individuals.
The training leads to registration with BAMBA on completion of all elements of the pathway.
Requirements Before Enrolling
Before joining our next Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training course, you need to have completed the 8-week MBSR course in a group setting (or very close equivalent but not the e-course), either in a virtual classroom or in a venue and have your own regular mindfulness practice for at least 6 months or more. If you are yet to complete the MBSR then please click here to join our next course.
If you would like to know more about the MBSR Teacher Training, then please use the link to book a one-to-one chat with chika ‘Chat with Chika‘ where she will support you with everything you need to know to make an informed choice about this training, answer any questions you have and get you enrolled.
This Training Programme Includes
How the course is taught
As part of this teacher training pathway you will also need to complete the following
Additional Costs May Apply
Teach two supervised 8-week MBSR courses.
Deliver two courses to a group – remotely supervised by one of the MindfulnessUK team.
Attend a Process of Inquiry Masterclass.
Gain an understanding of the framework to guide inquiry and the Iceberg Model.
Attend our Silent Meditation Retreats totalling 5 days throughout the year.
Give yourself the time and space to explore, go deeper and rest.
Log your personal practice and self-inquiry of the core MBSR meditations.
Create a portfolio
Evidence of completion of all required elements of the pathway.
Why Enrol?
Follow our comprehensive 12-month training pathway and gain the knowledge and material to qualify to deliver the 8-week MBSR course.
Become a registered teacher with the British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA).
Learn from the comfort of your own home in our virtual classroom, wherever you are in the world.
Join our Extensive List as a Trained MBSR Teacher and Community Member

What is the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Train-the-Trainer Course?
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is an internationally recognised mindfulness course that has been taught and researched since the 1970’s. Our comprehensive 12-month (minimum, though you can take as long as you like) training pathway will equip you with all the knowledge, material and experience you need to deliver the MBSR to groups or individuals.
The training leads to registration with BAMBA on completion of all elements of the pathway.
Requirements Before Enrolling
Before joining our next Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training course, you need to have completed the 8-week MBSR course in a group setting (or very close equivalent but not the e-course), either in a virtual classroom or in a venue and have your own regular mindfulness practice for at least 6 months or more. If you are yet to complete the MBSR then please click here to join our next course.
If you would like to know more about the MBSR Teacher Training, then please use the link to book a one-to-one chat with chika ‘Chat with Chika‘ where she will support you with everything you need to know to make an informed choice about this training, answer any questions you have and get you enrolled.
This Training Programme Includes
How the course is taught
As part of this teacher training pathway you will also need to complete the following
Additional Costs May Apply
Teach two supervised 8-week MBSR courses.
Deliver two courses to a group – remotely supervised by one of the MindfulnessUK team.
Attend a Process of Inquiry Masterclass.
Gain an understanding of the framework to guide inquiry and the Iceberg Model.
Attend our Silent Meditation Retreats totalling 5 days throughout the year.
Give yourself the time and space to explore, go deeper and rest.
Log your personal practice and self-inquiry of the core MBSR meditations.
Create a portfolio
Evidence of completion of all required elements of the pathway.
Why Enrol?
Follow our comprehensive 12-month training pathway and gain the knowledge and material to qualify to deliver the 8-week MBSR course.
Become a registered teacher with the British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA).
Learn from the comfort of your own home in our virtual classroom, wherever you are in the world.
Join our Extensive List as a Trained MBSR Teacher and Community Member.

Meet Your Tutors
Our experienced tutors are dedicated to guiding you through your mindfulness journey, offering unparalleled expertise and support.

Karen Atkinson

Angie Ward

Karen Atkinson

Chika Okorafor
Head of Learning & Development
Proof is in the results—here's what others experienced.
Next Course Date
Please be aware that we have limited spaces available as we deliver to small groups, offering a personalised training experience. If you would like to book the next training please do so via the website asap to secure you place on the training programme.
If you would like to know more about the MBSR Teacher Training, then please use the link to book a one-to-one chat with chika ‘Chat with Chika’ where she will support you with everything you need to know to make an informed choice about this training, answer any questions you have and get you enrolled.
Before joining our next Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training course, you need to have completed the 8-week MBSR course in a group setting, either in a virtual classroom or in a venue, and have your own regular mindfulness practice for at least 6 months or more. If you are yet to complete the MBSR then please click on the button below to join our next course. Please do not proceed with enrolment unless you have completed this course.
NOTE: Bookings close at 10am the day before the start date
Common Queries About Our Course
To help you decide whether this is the right course for you take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information.
If you would like to know more about the MBSR Teacher Training, then please join the next ‘Meet The Tutor‘ session, with Chika Okorafor, where she will talk you through everything you need to know to make an informed choice about this training and answer any questions you have. .
Who is this course for, what can I do when I complete it and what are the required prerequisites?
This course is for anyone who wishes to teach the 8-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme.
All applicants must meet both prerequisites listed below:
- Completion of the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course or similar either live, with a teacher and as part of a group.
- A sustained and regular personal mindful meditation practice over a minimum of 6 months.
We are happy to discuss whether there is a need for this 6-month post-MBSR course period if you already have a long-term mindfulness meditation practice.
If you are unsure if you meet these or would like an informal chat please contact us at info@mindfulnessuk.com or call the office on 01823 697527.
How is the course structured and what study materials are provided?
This is a minimum of a one-year, 200-hour teacher training pathway consisting of a blended learning approach.
There are face-to-face training totalling 110.5 hours part of this is 10 virtual classroom training sessions (32.5 hours) within a group.
There are self-directed study elements totalling 90 hours.
MindfulnessUK provides via Learning Management System (LMS) where you can access all resources, training, learning and teaching materials e.g. student handbook, 4-core meditations, and comprehensive course notes.
All elements must be completed if the learner wishes to gain an MUK Trained Teacher certificate. They are listed below (These can also be used if you wish to become a listed teacher with BAMBA*. (the * refers to additional cost – please see related FAQ):
- To receive your MBSR Trained Teacher certificate you are required to:
- Teach two supervised 8-week MBSR courses – Deliver two courses to a group – remotely supervised by one of the MindfulnessUK team*.
- Attend a MUK Process of Inquiry Masterclass*.
- Attend MUK Silent Meditation Retreats totalling 5 days throughout the year*.
- Self-directed study time that includes (but is not limited to):
– Creating a portfolio – Evidence of completion of all required elements of the pathway.
– Log and reflect on your practice and self-inquiry of the core MBSR meditations.
– Reading.
– Other continual professional development opportunities.
What if I have a question about my Self-Directed Study Assignments and/or preparation in between teaching sessions?
There is pre-reading and preparation to complete in between teaching session.
Each cohort is encouraged to have a WhatsApp group so learners often check in with one another and if in doubt contact the admin team or tutor to discuss, we are a friendly bunch at MindfulnessUK ?
What do I need to know about costs and payments?
The course cost on application is for all teaching sessions, course notes, meditations and handbook.
The Cost as a one-off payment is £1595 and payment is full is due on application.
All Cancellation, Terms and Conditions on the website apply.
If you then choose to complete the other elements of the pathway with MindfulnessUK here are the additional costs:
- Teach two supervised 8-week MBSR courses – Deliver two courses to a group – remotely supervised by one of the MindfulnessUK team. Costs are £280 for one supervised MBSR course as part of your MBSRTT pathway. If you would like a MindfulnessUK supervisor to supervise both your MBSR courses as part of the teacher training, the cost will be reduced to £495, paid in advance.
- Attend a Process of Inquiry Masterclass (£90)
- Attend Silent Meditation Retreats totalling 5 days throughout the year. This is dependant on which options you choose from the website)
Log your personal practice and self-inquiry of the core MBSR meditations.
Create a portfolio – Evidence of completion of all required elements of the pathway.
All Cancellation, Terms and Conditions on the website apply.
Additional costs for all MBSRTT courses:
There are 2 reading books we recommend, these are listed in your welcome letter and joining instructions, aren’t purchased via Mindfulness and cost approximately £25.
Please also see FAQ relating to additional costs for deferrals.
How long is the course and when do I receive my certificate?
This is a minimum of a one year pathway commencing on the date of your first teaching session with MindfulnessUK.
There is no set timescale for completing all the elements of the pathway, it is flexible and designed to fit with other commitments.
Once learners complete all elements, they provide evidence as specified on the course to MindfulnessUK and at this point receive a certificate, receive a trained teacher logo and become listed on our trained teacher list on the MindfulnessUK website. At this point, if a learner wishes to become a listed teacher with BAMBA (further costs incurred) they can apply via the BAMBA website and request the supporting documents from MindfulnessUK.
What happens if I miss any Guided Learning Hours sessions or need to stop the course for any reason and need to defer or leave?
Missing a teaching session:
- Learners must attend 80% of the teaching sessions. Any additional missed sessions they are required to attend a Tutorial session with their tutor at the additional cost of £70 per hour.
- There is guidance for Absenteeism in the Student Handbook for learners to refer.
- If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners need to pause their study (once the course has commenced) they have an option to request a deferral. This needs to be requested within one week of missing a teaching session by emailing the admin team with a clear reason for your request. After which learners must meet with a tutor within 4 weeks to identify and agree an individual plan for continuing with a clear timeline.
- There are additional costs of £70 per hour if a learner requires catch up sessions with the tutor before re-joining their studies.
- Deferrals to other courses are dependent on availability, a deferral fee and any additional registration fee applies as per the terms and conditions on the website.
Leaving the course:
- If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners decide to leave their studies, they must inform the admin team by email who will amend all records accordingly.
All Cancellation Terms and Conditions on the website will apply.
Who can I teach once I graduate?
You graduate once you have completed all elements of this pathway and can then teach the 8-week MBSR to participants of your choice, whilst adhering to the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines if you are a listed teacher.
What is the MindfulnessUK Membership and why is it important for all students and graduates to join?
We encourage all our mindfulness students and graduates to join our membership and continue to connect with like-minded people and gain insight and knowledge from the mindfulnessUK team. The membership is owned by us all and is an opportunity to attend mindfulness-based development training take part in sitting groups get access to updated course information and insightful research and collaborate with other trained teachers as well as 10% off master classes and retreats. To join please visit our membership page on the website.
What are the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines (GPG’s) and what do I need to do?
These are covered in the teaching sessions with detail and links given in our comprehensive course notes. The BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness teachers, GPGs include things like, these include having appropriate insurance to teach, supervision, regular retreats, commitment to professional development. These GPGs can be found at www.bamba.org
What other professional development opportunities are there, including retreats.
You can become a Compassionate Mindful Resilience (CMR) 4 session course Trainer by attending the CMR Train the Trainer Programme.
Other Continuous Professional Development opportunities are all listed on the website and include, Masterclasses, E-learning, 8 week MBSR and Retreats.
The GPGs include attending 5 days of Retreat per annum, these can be completed as single days, 2 & 3 days or 5 days. MindfunessUK offer a range, both online or in person. Full details on the website.
Will I be registered with BAMBA when I finish my training?
Yes, you can apply to become a regulated teacher with BAMBA once all the teacher training elements have been completed.
Can I charge for a MBSR course I deliver under supervision and if so, how much?
Yes, you may charge participants for a mindfulness session as you will have completed the training via teaching sessions with MindfulnessUK. It is your decision on how much you want to charge. We would recommend that you research mindfulness sessions in your area and decide on a good price to charge.
I already have a supervisor that I work with, can I continue with them?
If you already have a supervisor then you can continue to work with them. However, for the 2 supervised courses that you teach as part of the training pathway you would need to be supervised by a MindfulnessUK supervisor, to ensure your teaching is consistent with our training. Supervisors refer to the MBI-TAC (Mindfulness-based intervention – Teaching Assessment Criteria).
I regularly attend a retreat; can I continue with this retreat and will it count towards completing all the elements of this pathway?
As part of the training pathway the 5 retreats that you attend must be with MindfulnessUK to ensure you comply with BAMBA guidelines. We always encourage teachers to experience retreats outside of our organisation but it is important to note that these would not be counted as part of the pathway requirements.