Compassionate Mindful Resilience Teacher Training


What is the CMR Teacher Training?

If you are a trained mindfulness teacher, through any BAMBA organisation and are looking to develop your skills further, then this course is ideal for you.

The CMR Teacher Training (CMRTT) programme, taught in a virtual classroom via zoom,  will teach you how to build resilience through the blend of mindfulness and compassion in a creative way.  You will learn how to use shorter, more bespoke practices and coping strategies, all aiming to promote higher levels of self-kindness, resilience and feelings of robustness and empowerment.

To deliver the  CMR course, teachers are required to sign an agreement and be a full Community member which gives them access to all the resources (PowerPoint presentations, teaching notes, student handbook, certificates and recordings) to teach the course.

For more information about the course, you can sign up to our next Meet the Tutor event on Tuesday 23rd July at 12.15 pm, with Chika Okorafor.  Click here to book.

Reasons to Enrol

  • Learn to deliver a 4-session course to individuals or organisations.  
  • Bring this learning back into your current work or organisation and support the emotional intelligence and well-being of others.
  • Learn shorter and more bespoke practices and coping strategies.
  • Teach your client how to build emotional resilience, by developing resources creatively, and embrace mindfulness and compassion within their lives.

What we offer

We will give you the tools and information to be able to then bring your learning back to your organisation and teach your participants how mindfulness and compassion can support emotional well-being.  Each session will help them to understand more about stress and how it affects the body and mind, and develop the resources to embrace mindfulness and compassion within their lives.

Session One

Exploring Mindfulness and Compassion

Session Two

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

Session Three

Developing Resilience

Session Four

Feeling Resourced and Connected

Meet your tutors

Karen Atkinson headshot

Karen Atkinson

Karen has been teaching mindfulness and compassion for over 30-years and is the Co-founder and CEO of MindfulnessUK, an author of Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice, a previous Chair of BAMBA, an international trainer and supervisor.


Chika Okorafor

Chika is a Trustee (Youth and Education), for the British Association of Mindfulness Approaches (BAMBA) and is passionate about lifelong learning and mindful leadership. She loves being and breathing in nature around the world and is fascinated by lived experiences and life transitions. Her appreciation and gratitude for mindfulness deepened after an MBSR course with MindfulnessUK (MUK) as an international participant. She then went on to complete the IMC, MBSR and CMR teacher training pathways. She is fiercely compassionate about being an advocate of the benefits of mindfulness for all and regularly increases awareness.  

Angie Ward - Integrating Mindfulness and Compassion Tutor

Angie Ward

With a strong background in health and social care, Angie is the CXO of MindfulnessUK, supporting students and graduates through their training and forming partnerships with large organisations to develop programmes and deliver a high quality training experience.

Don't just take our word for it...

To help you decide whether this is the right course for you take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information.

Can anyone become a CMR teacher?

Anyone who has completed a mindfulness teacher training with a teacher training organisation (for example BAMBA member organisations) or have a 200-hour training or equivalent, with evidence of the qualification.

Who is this course for, what can I do when I complete it and what are the required prerequisites?

The Compassionate Mindful Resilience teacher training (CMRTT) course is for trained mindfulness teachers, who want to develop their skills further.  The 14-hour training equips participants with all the tools they need, including all teaching resources, to teach the 4-week course to their organisation or participants.

This course is for anyone who wants to teach an introductory course that teaches simple, effective, evidence-based practices, skills, and techniques to help manage stress, develop resilience and enhance well-being using mindfulness & compassion.  It is suitable to be taught in any organisation, group of individuals or an individual, that teaches, supports and/or cares for others. You can teach this course to anyone and no previous experience is necessary by the participants. 

All applicants must have all the prerequisites below:

  1. Completed a mindfulness teacher training with a teacher training organisation (for example BAMBA member organisations) or have a 200hour training or equivalent, with evidence of the qualification
  2. Has a sustained regular ongoing  mindful and/or mindful and compassion meditation practice

If you are unsure if you meet these or would like an informal chat please contact us at or call the office on 01823 697527.

How is the course structured?

This is a 14 hour course (13 hours classroom time delivered online via Zoom and the final hour is optional and will be in the format of a CMR reconnect session where MindfulnessUK can update learners on any information, and teachers can come and ask questions and share stories)

MindfulnessUK provides a participant pack, PowerPoint and meditation recordings for delivery and a Trainers pack electronically.

All materials will be sent to you after completing the course and signing the course agreement with MindfulnessUK.

What if I have a question in between teaching sessions?

Each cohort is encouraged to have a WhatsApp group so learners often ask each other and if in doubt contact  the admin team or phone the office and a CMR tutor will respond asap, we are a friendly bunch at MindfulnessUK ?

Do I need to have existing clients and/or a clinical, counselling, or therapeutic background?

No, you don’t need to have any particular background.  You may or may not have a specific group that you have expertise already in with and wish to teach them the CMR or you may have never taught anything before and are looking for a new career path. There are no placements or clinical hours for this course.

Are there any other courses like this?

No, this course is unique to MindfulnessUK. 

What do I need to know about costs and payments?

Cost on application includes  14 hours of teaching sessions via Zoom, for a one-off payment is £415 and payment in full is due on application. 

Once you have completed the course you will need to pay the certification fee of £95 and sign a teaching agreement to then gain access to all the relevant teaching materials.  On payment of the fee you will benefit from becoming a Community Member.

The certification fee is an annual payment of £95 and will include the following:

  • CMR participants resources pack is full of information for your participants to follow. Downloadable mindfulness and compassion meditation practices:
    • Compassionate body scan
    • Compassionate mindful movement
    • Affectionate Breathing
    • Access to Vimeo – recorded practices
  • CMR Trainer Resources:
    • CMR PowerPoint – For delivery of Training and not to be disseminated to participants
    • Separate PowerPoint Page One to add your own branding alongside MindfulnessUK’s.
    • CMR Trainers Pack
    • Certificate of attendance for participants
  • Access to our MindfulnessUK Full Community Membership – click here for more details.

This is an annual fee and will be renewed each year, on the date of purchase, unless you no longer plan to teach the CMR and therefore unsubscribe.

Contact us via if you have financial circumstances that prevent you applying and require instalments – all requests are considered.

All Cancellation, Terms and Conditions on the website apply.

How long is the course and when do I receive my certificate?

The duration of the teaching session is 14 hours and you will receive a certificate on completion of the training.

What happens if I miss any Guided Learning Hours sessions or need to stop the course for any reason and need to defer or leave?

Missing a teaching session:

Learners must attend 80% of the teaching sessions.  

If the learner misses  one teaching session, they will be sent a recording of the session  and they will be expected to watch it before the next teaching session.  If they miss more than 1 session then they will be required to attend a Tutorial session with their tutor at the additional  cost of £70 per hour. (noting this is also an option if the learner misses one session)


If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners need to pause their study, once the course has commenced,  they have an option to request a deferral.  This needs to be requested within one week of missing a teaching session by emailing the admin team with a clear reason for your request. Learners can then agree with the tutor the next course that works for them and they will be automatically enrolled for all 4 sessions.

Deferrals to other courses are dependent on availability, a deferral fee and any additional registration fee applies as per the terms and conditions on the website.

Leaving the course:

If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners decide to leave their studies, they must inform the admin team by email who will amend all records accordingly. All Cancellation Terms and Conditions on the website will apply.

What is the Community Membership and why is it important for all students and graduates to have this community?

We encourage all our mindfulness students and graduates to join our Community Membership and continue to connect with like-minded people and gain in-sight and knowledge from the MindfulnessUK team.  The community is owned by us all and is an opportunity to attend mindfulness-based business development training, take part in sitting groups, get access to updated course information, insightful research and collaborate with other trained teachers, as well as 10% off masterclasses and retreats.  To book please visit our Community Membership page on the website.

What are the BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines (GPG’s) and what do I need to do

These are covered in the teaching sessions with detail and links given in our comprehensive trainers pack, this will refresh your memory from your teacher training courses.  The BAMBA Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness teachers, GPGs include things like having appropriate insurance to teach, supervision, regular retreats, and commitment to professional development. These GPGs can be found at

What is the course agreement?

On completion of the course you will be asked to sign a teacher’s agreement and when we receive this you will have access to the course materials.

The reason for this is that the Materials and Handouts are the property of MindfulnessUK who hold copyright over them and are the culmination of over 20 years of expertise and training.

The Intellectual Property belongs to MindfulnessUK and the Course must be delivered in the way that it has been taught to the Teacher, using the materials given in the form of: 1) PowerPoint presentation (optional) 2) Teacher Trainer Pack 3) Participant’s Resource Pack.

What other professional development opportunities are there, including retreats.

Other Continuous Professional Development opportunities are all listed on the website and include Masterclasses, E-learning, 8 week MBSR and Retreats.

The GPGs include attending 5 days of Retreat per annum, these can be completed as single days, 2 & 3 days or 5 days.  MindfunessUK offer a range, both online or in person. Full details on the website.

What is the research project for the CMR?

MindfulnessUK is working in partnership with Newcastle University to research the efficacy of the course for those who work in the social and health care sectors.   

All CMR teachers will be invited to support the research by encouraging their participants to complete the questionnaires.  And all teachers will have access to the final research report when it is completed (date tbc)

The research is discussed in detail in the final session of the training.

Choose your start date

24th Sep
09:30 - 12:30
Then continues on 1st Oct, 8th Oct, 15th Oct
Tutor: Chika Okorafor
Enrol Now

NOTE: Bookings close at 10am the day before the start date

On completion of the CMRTT course teachers are required to sign an agreement and be FULL Community members to gain access to:

  • All resources including PowerPoint presentations, teaching notes, student handbook, certificates and recordings to teach the course.
  • Community Membership – a space to connect and collaborate with the MindfulnessUK team and your peers, attend a sitting group, book club, insightful events, chat forums and mindfulness information and research.
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