Compassionate Mindful Resilience

Girl with headset

What is the CMR Course?

Our unique 4-week CMR course is an introductory course teaching simple, effective, evidence-based practices, skills, and techniques to help manage stress, develop resilience and enhance wellbeing using mindfulness and compassion.

Created by Karen Atkinson, Senior Partner and Co-Founder of MindfulnessUK, it is built from the understanding that to help us navigate the world we live in, we need to strengthen our levels of mindfulness, compassion and resilience.

This is a standalone course, which can be good to complete either before or after doing the 8-week MBSR course.

Reasons to Enrol

  • 4-week course, 2 hours a week via Zoom.
  • You will gain the tools and techniques to develop better self-awareness and to offer yourself higher levels of self-compassion, which will strengthen your levels of resilience.
  • Shorter practices that fit into time poor lifestyle.
  • To care for yourself, especially for those who care for others.
  • This is course has been accredited by the CPD Standard Office.

What we offer

In each session we will explore mindfulness and compassion through a compassionate body scan, affectionate breathing and compassionate mindful movement.   We will also explore emotional intelligence and how to build resilience through a variety of discussions and activities.

Session One

Exploring Mindfulness and Compassion

Session Two

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence

Session Three

Developing Resilience

Session Four

Feeling Resourced and Connected

Meet your tutors

Karen Atkinson headshot

Karen Atkinson

Karen has been teaching mindfulness and compassion for over 30-years and is the Co-founder and CEO of MindfulnessUK, an author of Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice, a previous Chair of BAMBA, an international trainer and supervisor.


Chika Okorafor

Chika is a Trustee (Youth and Education), for the British Association of Mindfulness Approaches (BAMBA) and is passionate about lifelong learning and mindful leadership. She loves being and breathing in nature around the world and is fascinated by lived experiences and life transitions. Her appreciation and gratitude for mindfulness deepened after an MBSR course with MindfulnessUK (MUK) as an international participant. She then went on to complete the IMC, MBSR and CMR teacher training pathways. She is fiercely compassionate about being an advocate of the benefits of mindfulness for all and regularly increases awareness.  

Don't just take our word for it...

To help you decide whether this is the right course for you take a look at our frequently asked questions for more information.

Do I need a mindfulness practice to be able to enrol on this course?

No, this course is accessible for everybody, and no previous mindfulness experience is needed

How long is the course?

The course is 8 hours in total, and we will meet for 2 hours each week for 4 consecutive weeks.

What resources will I receive?

When you enrol for the course, you will receive recordings of 3 practices to download, and a student handbook.

What will happen during a session?

Your tutor will lead each session, during which they will share information with you about mindfulness and compassion, and you will also take part in some guided practices and activities.  After each activity the tutor will invite participants to share their experiences, if they feel comfortable to share.

What happens if I can’t make one of the sessions?

We do recommend that before enrolling on the course that you can commit to each of the dates.  We are also aware that life does not always go to plan, and so if you can’t make a session then we ask you to contact your tutor.

Who is the course for?

The course was designed to support those people who care for others, and so it works well for people who are time poor and want to learn tools that can fit into their busy schedule.

The course is also relevant for anyone who is looking for tools and techniques to support their wellbeing.  We work with people from across the world, who join the course to learn more about mindfulness and compassion.

What is the commitment for home practice?

All the home practices are 10 minutes long, and we would recommend you do that at least 5 days out of 7.  We also encourage you to bring mindfulness into your daily routine, with shorter practices too.

What is the difference between this course and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course?

The Compassionate Mindful Resilience (CMR) course is a standalone course, but can be a good course to do either before or after completing the 8-week MBSR course. The 4-week course is an introductory course teaching simple, effective, evidence-based practices, skills and techniques to help manage stress, develop resilience and enhance wellbeing using Mindfulness and Compassion.  The CMR course offers a light touch introduction to mindfulness, and introduces shorter practices for the participants to use.

Our next course date coming soon: Send an expression of interest email to info@mindfulnessuk 

23rd Sep
10:00 - 12:00
Then continues on 30th Sep, 7th Oct, 14th Oct
Tutor: Chika Okorafor
Enrol Now

NOTE: Bookings close at 10am the day before the start date

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