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Labour turnover

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: A Comprehensive Guide to Reducing Labour Turnover

Labour turnover, also known as employee turnover or staff turnover, is a critical metric for any organisation. It measures the rate at which employees leave and join a company over a specific period. High labour turnover can be costly and disruptive, affecting productivity, morale, and the overall success of a business. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies to attract and retain top talent in your industry, thereby reducing labour turnover and enhancing your company’s performance.

Signed off work with stress

Managing Stress: Supporting Employees Who Are Signed Off Work with Stress

Stress is a common issue that affects many employees in today’s fast-paced work environments. For some, the stress becomes overwhelming, leading to the need to take time off work. If you’re an employer, understanding how to support your employees during this challenging time is crucial for their recovery and the rest of your organisation’s wellbeing. …

Managing Stress: Supporting Employees Who Are Signed Off Work with Stress Read More »

Meditation practice

What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation?

By Melissa Shah In the fast-paced world in which we live and even more so in recent years post Covid, many people are turning to healing practices such as mindfulness and meditation to alleviate stress and enhance their lives. Since starting my work as a Mindfulness and Compassion teacher, many people have asked me what …

What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation? Read More »


Innovative Wellbeing at Work Ideas for Your Team

In today’s fast-paced business world, maintaining employee wellbeing is crucial for any business aiming to thrive. Fostering a healthy workplace not only boosts productivity but also enhances company culture, reduces sick days, and attracts top talent. This blog post explores a variety of wellbeing at work ideas, emphasising the importance of staff wellbeing initiatives and how they can transform your business.

grief headline image

For Mindfulness Teachers – How to help clients navigate grief.

I embarked upon my first mindfulness course less than five months after the passing of my beloved Nan. At 96 years old, her death shouldn’t have been so unexpected, but I felt her loss sharply. Noticed as a potential ‘red flag’ in my pre-course assessment questionnaire, my teacher immediately reached out; gently and compassionately checking …

For Mindfulness Teachers – How to help clients navigate grief. Read More »

mindful gardening headline image

How mindful gardening can boost your wellbeing

My memories of gardening stem from my early childhood. I remember watching my grandfather toiling for long stretches of time in the cold, wet and misty garden – digging and planting and mowing and trimming – it all seemed like such exhausting and relentless work. However, as I’ve grown older and have a garden of …

How mindful gardening can boost your wellbeing Read More »


How to Grow your Client Base

How to create opportunities  Congratulations! You’re a qualified Mindfulness and Compassion teacher, and ready to share mindfulness with the world, all you need now is people to teach! Finding clients and getting people booked onto your courses can feel a bit daunting – especially if this is your first experience of self-employment and self-promotion. In …

How to Grow your Client Base Read More »

Photo of lots of matches standing on their ends. One of them has been burnt right down to almost the bottom. The matches are against a pale pink background and have red tips.

How to prevent burnout through mindfulness

What is burnout? Burnout is a psychological and physical condition that results from chronic stress, and it’s usually associated with work or caring responsibilities. But in truth, it can affect various aspects of your life, not just your professional life. But what exactly is burnout and how can we prevent it?  The three main dimensions …

How to prevent burnout through mindfulness Read More »

Cat dressed in a superhero outfit

Mindfulness is your Superpower: Becoming a Better Manager

Are you ready to supercharge your leadership skills and become a better manager?    Enter mindfulness – a game-changing practice that goes beyond task management.    In this blog post, we’ll unveil 8 practical applications of mindfulness that managers like you can seamlessly integrate into your routines. By doing so, you’ll not only enhance your …

Mindfulness is your Superpower: Becoming a Better Manager Read More »

Photo of people using mindfulness to hold better meetings

How to use mindfulness to have better meetings

Tired of sitting through endless, unproductive meetings, where your mind often drifts and your creativity feels stifled?    If you’ve experienced the frustration of meetings that lack focus, purpose, and engagement, then it’s time to consider a transformative approach: introducing mindfulness into meetings.    By incorporating mindfulness, you have the power to create a meeting …

How to use mindfulness to have better meetings Read More »

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