The course costs cover all teaching session (GLHs) course notes, meditations, handbook, assessments, Internal Moderation, Verification and certification (on completion of all Assessment Criteria).
For online IMC courses:
The Cost as a one-off payment is £1855 plus £140 for a one-off registration with the awarding body, total cost £1995. Payment is due on application in full or in instalment.
Instalments are £915 on application, followed by a second and third instalment of £590 debited automatically at later date. When you book (by clicking the instalment option when applying) you will be taken to a page that shows exact instalment amounts with dates)
Please be aware that paying by instalments incurs an additional charge of £100 overall due to additional administration and bank charge fees.
All Cancellation, Terms and Conditions on the website apply.
Additional costs for all IMC courses
There are 3 reading books we recommend, these are listed in your welcome letter and joining instructions.
Please also see FAQ 10 to see additional costs for deferrals.