What happens if I miss any Guided Learning Hours sessions or need to stop the course for any reason and need to defer or leave?

Missing a teaching session:

Learners must attend 80% of the GLHs.  However, if a learner misses any In Class Assessment (ICA) they are required to attend a Tutorial session with their tutor or attend an *alternative session with another cohort (*subject to availability) before they can attend their next GLH’s teaching session.

There are additional costs of £70 per hour if a learner requires catch up sessions with the tutor before re-joining their studies.

There is guidance for Absenteeism in the Student Handbook for learners to refer to and a schedule for teaching days, any ICA’s and written assignments submission dates for each cohort.


If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners need to pause their study they have an option to request a deferral.  This needs to be requested within one week of missing a teaching session by emailing the admin team with a clear reason for your request.  After which learners must meet with a tutor within 4 weeks to identify and agree an individual plan for continuing with a clear timeline, usually within one year of their original course end date.

There are additional costs of £70 per hour if a learner requires catch up sessions with the tutor before re-joining their studies.

Deferrals to other courses are dependent on availability, a deferral fee and any additional registration fee applies as per the terms and conditions on the website.

Leaving the course:

If, due to unforeseen circumstances, learners decide to leave their studies, they must inform the admin team by email who will amend all records accordingly. All Cancellation Terms and Conditions on the website will apply.

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